Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New page: Sale

In order to make more user-friendly and easy-to-find-products boutique, you can find all the products on Sale on the page SALE! The sale price will be applied from tomorrow...


Tic tac, tic tac...

From tomorrow 22nd at 8h00am, Spring-Summer Sale will start for 5 weeks. 51 Stars Paris offers up to 40% discount for the selected brands such as American Outfitters, Dandy Star, Talc, Bonton (on Japanese page, but we added English translation on colour selection...)...

We still have decent variety on stocks, but it would be "first come, first served"... If you don't want to miss the opportunity, prepare to make your account in advance on our shop!!

明日22日朝8時(仏時間)より5週間の間、夏のセールが始まります。51Stars Parisでは、American Outfitters、Dandy Star、Talc、Bontonなどの商品につきまして、~40%offのセールを行います。まだまだ魅力的な商品が在庫にありますが、なにしろ「早い者勝ち!」ですので、お目当ての商品があるお客様で、まだ会員登録をしていらっしゃらない方は、どうぞお早めにご準備下さい!

Monday, June 6, 2011

2 more days...

2 more days for 20% off sale on 51 Stars Paris... Don't miss this opportunity!

51 Stars Parisの20% off セールもあと残り2日… どうぞこの機会をお見逃しなく!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

20% OFF sale until next tuesday!

As announced on monday, 51 Stars Paris offers 20% off on the collections American Outfitters, Talc, Dandy Star and Bonton (on Japanese page!). On the shop, it's not very obvious that we actually do on sale, but the indicated price of each product has been already reduced by 20%! Don't miss this opportunity!!

先日月曜日にご報告したように、現在、51 Stars Parisでは、American Outifitters、Talc、Dandy StarそしてBonton商品について、20%off セールをしております。対象商品については、既に20%引きになったプライスが反映されております。皆様、どうぞこの機会をお見逃しなく!!

"Babyccino Kids", a brand-new shopping portal !!

"Babyccino Kids", the kids related lifestyle blogs for busy mums, became a fantastic shopping portal as of today and 51 Stars Paris has decided to join their new adventure as one of the best shops in the world.
Here's 51 Stars Paris’ shop portal on Babyccino Kids (you will be re-directed to our shop at http://www.51starsparis.com/!).

51 Stars Paris wishes all the best and lots of luck to Babyccino Kids...

本日、忙しいママの為の子供にまつわるライフスタイル情報を提供するブログ「Babyccino Kids」が、世界中のベストセレクトショップを集めたショッピングサイトとして生まれ変わり、私達「51 Stars Paris」もそのベストショップの一員として、同ショッピングサイトに参加することになりました。

こちらのリンクが「Babyccino Kids」での「51 Stars Paris」のショップポータルになります。